About Me
Nathaniel Lee is an award-winning author and historian specializing in the greater Alexandria area and currently serves as Vice President of the Franconia Museum.

My Story
"The past is history, but it never gets old."
NATHANIEL LEE is not old enough to have seen all the important Franconia landmarks of days gone by, but he sure knows where they were located. Serving as a member of the Franconia Museum Board of Directors, historian and museum docent, Nathaniel is a great resource when memories get fuzzy. In fact, he has documented their location on a hand-drawn map that blends old and new landmarks in the Franconia community. It has already become an important tool when visitors to the Franconia Museum want to know where something is located. Nathaniel's family has lived here in the Franconia community for three generations, watching the area transform from a farming community to a bedroom suburb of Washington, D.C. He grew up next to Franconia Elementary School, which he attended, along with Mark Twain Middle School and Robert E. Lee High School. Nathaniel now lives next to the railroad described in his book, "The Iron Road of Franconia", and loves to listen to the train as it rumbles past in the night. -- Introduction written by Carl Sell, Jr.
Want to learn more about the Franconia Museum?
Visit them at www.franconiamuseum.org
Why is a tour with me the best way to visit the area?

Works by Nathaniel Lee
Nathaniel Lee has been creating historic content for over ten years and was awarded the Nan Netherton Award for Best Historical Work by the Fairfax County History Commission. This list includes works both written and edited by Nathaniel Lee.

In the News
Read what others in the local community have had to say about Nathaniel's work!