Your View, Your Voice (Historical Marker)
GPS Coordinates: 38.7657799, -77.0950405
Closest Address: 6918 Harrison Lane, Alexandria, VA 22306

Here follows the inscription written on this trailside historical marker:
Your View, Your Voice
From here, it's easy to see why Betsey Mason wrote that she planned to visit Huntley for much-needed peace and quiet in the 1840s. The view—of the land and of the people who lived and worked here—has changed since then, but thanks to community action and preservation efforts, it's become an ideal place to visit for fresh air and quiet reflection.
Today, Huntley Villa may look like an empty house, but it's filled with stories—stories from hard times, stories from when life, the land, and the world changed, stories from everyday life: wedding celebrations, children tumbling on the hillside, and friends growing old together.
Every story offers a different view. What's yours?
A View for All Time
Discover More Views at Historic Huntley
Sign up for a tour or a program to learn more about Huntley's stories. Volunteer as a docent or researcher. Hold your wedding or other special event at Huntley Villa. Share your views and make new stories! (Call 703-768-2525 for information.)
Saving Historic Huntley's Villa and View
Through advocacy and hard work, Historic Huntley escaped the pressure of development and became part of Huntley Meadows Park in 1989. In 2012, the restored Villa was opened to the public.
[Photograph Captions:]
We have no photographs of the people who lived at Huntley before the Civil War, but until emancipation, Huntley depended on the labor of enslaved African-Americans who lived here.
Henry Woodhouse and friends (Woodhouse not in uniform), ca. 1930. Woodhouse bought multiple properties that later became Huntley Meadows Park.
A Huntley gathering, including Bert Harrison and his brother-in-law Norman Gibbs, early 20th century
Earl and Everett Alcorn with chickens at Huntley, ca 1934
Dorothy and Mary with their father, Earl Alcorn, ca 1945
Ribbon cutting celebrating Huntley Villa's 2012 opening with members from Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, FCPA Board, FOHH, previous villa residents, and park supporters.
Riding horses at Huntley, ca mid-20th century
Marker Erected 2015 by Fairfax County Park Authority.