Wise's Tavern (Historical Marker)
GPS Coordinates: 38.8057278, -77.0421664
Closest Address: 217 Cameron Street, Alexandria, VA 22314

Here follows the inscription written on this roadside historical marker:
Wise's Tavern
1788 - 1792
Here, on April 16, 1789 George Washington was for the first time publicly addressed as President of the United States the first and greatest of many distinguished successors in that high and honorable office. This tablet was erected in commemoration of this occurrence on April 16th 1932 in the bicentennial year of his birth by the Washington Society of America
Erected 1932 by Washington Society of America.
Here follows an excerpt from the "Jaybird's Jottings" blog written by Jay Roberts:
Wise's Tavern
201 N. Fairfax
Along with the beer and spirits, tears of pride and joy flowed here on April 16, 1789. Residents and supporters feted newly elected President Washington. The plaque indicates this was the first such occasion for the new leader.
Washington danced here in 1788, in celebration of the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, and for his birthday on two occasions.
The building served several purposes through the years, including the Anne Lee House for elderly ladies from 1916 to 1974. It currently is home to Carroll’s Drum Service.
This is the same house that was known as the Dalton-Herbert House earlier in the 18th Century. The Dalton-Herbert House was owned by John Dalton, partner in the firm of Carlyle and Dalton, and passed to his daughter, Jennie, who married William Herbert between 1760 and 1790. The HABS does call it the Dalton-Herbert House. And it notes the house was recorded as Wise’s Tavern in 1936, and went by other names.