Who Owns the River? (Historical Marker)
GPS Coordinates: 38.7904772, -77.0403553
Closest Address: 1 Jones Point Drive, Alexandria, VA 22314

Here follows the inscription written on this trailside historical marker:
Who Owns the River?
According to Lord Baltimore's land grant from King Charles I in 1632, Maryland owns the "River of Pattowmack...unto the further Bank of said River." But with Virginia's shoreline constantly shifting how could the border be fixed? In 1929, a survey to establish the boundary placed 58 markers including this one on Jones Point, helping to resolve almost three centuries of dispute. When Maryland ceded land to create the nation's capital in 1788, the District of Columbia gained ownership of the river within its newly created bounds.
Next to this historical marker stands the 1929 Virginia-Maryland Boundary Commission marker. This disc points to the current south point of D.C. 42 feet south of this marker in the Potomac River.