Triplett Family Cemetery at Ashland
GPS Coordinates: 38.7766843, -77.1414931
Closest Address: 5998 Walhaven Drive, Alexandria, VA 22310
Here follows an excerpt from the Fairfax Genealogical Society website:
Near Ashland House, at 6000 Walhaven Drive
South Alexandria, Virginia USA
Original Information from Volume 5 of the Gravestone Books
“Ashland” was first owned and perhaps built (circa 1820) by William Walter Triplett, according to a 1972 Historic American Buildings Survey Inventory. The house stands today at 6000 Walhaven Drive in the Walhaven area of Franconia. “The Triplett family [members] were early grantees in Fairfax [County],” the survey says, and William Triplett was a vestryman of Truro Parish.
The 1972 surveyor found the grounds of Ashland planted with boxwoods, holly trees and a large wisteria vine. “Nearby is a family graveyard enclosed by a stone wall,” the surveyor reported.
Brian Conley, Information Specialist in the Virginia Room of the Fairfax City Regional Library, and Larry Moore, Archaeologist of the Heritage Resources Branch, Office of Comprehensive Planning, found no evidence of a cemetery on the property when they visited Ashland in 1991.
When Ashland was visited in 1998, the surveyor found it surrounded by single-family homes at the end of Walhaven Drive. Several old trees and boxwoods stand in the yard of the lovely old home.
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