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The Front Door of Gadsby's Tavern (Historical Marker)

GPS Coordinates: 38.8056564, -77.0435472

The Front Door of Gadsby's Tavern (Historical Marker)

Here follows the inscription written on this roadside historical marker:

This Doorway was returned to Gadsby's Tavern From the Metropolitan Museum by Charles Beatty Moore, Colonel. U.S.A. Retired (1881-1951) in 1949 by the Alexandria Association.


Editor's Note: 1949 marked the Bicentennial of Alexandria's Founding.

Regarding The Front Door of Gadsby's Tavern.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York purchased the original eighteenth-century front door of the City Tavern in 1917 when it also bought the upstairs ballroom. At that time the door had already been moved to the Cameron Street side of the rundown building. Colonel Moore bought the door in 1949 and gave it to The Alexandria Association who re-installed it at Gadsby's Tavern.

Editor's tangent:
Give the marketing director for the restaurant a raise for the witty sign they placed out on the sidewalk:

George Ate Here

The founding fathers worked up a real appetite gaining our country's independence. So chances are, they also knew a thing or two about where to eat. Come dine where Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Madison , and Monroe ate. Secret Service not required.

Gadsby's Tavern, Open daily for lunch and dinner.


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