Struder's Store (Site)
GPS Coordinates: 38.7841751, -77.1364215
Closest Address: 5912 Franconia Road, Alexandria, VA 22310

These coordinates mark the exact spot where the store once stood. No visible remains exist.
Here follows an excerpt from the Spring 2008 edition of the "Franconia Legacies" newsletter published by the Franconia Museum:
My Memories Of Franconia
by Sharon Taber Breeding
Our neighborhood had some peculiar characters. One man I will never forget was Howard Struder. He lived in an old run down gas station on the corner of Oak Wood Road (now Van Dorn Street) and Franconia Roads. He was always hunting and trapping in the woods. He carried a gun in one hand, and a gunny sack slung over his back filled with squirrels and rabbits that he had shot. A pack of hounds were usually at his side. Lots of times he would ride his white mule all around the neighborhood. The older kids would pick on him. He carried a long stick and would try and hit them with it.
Struder's Store was located on the northwest corner of Franconia Road and South Van Dorn Street.