Sovonick Family Home
GPS Coordinates: 38.7758978, -77.1115058
Closest Address: 4516 Lark Lane, Alexandria, VA 22310
Here follows an excerpt from the "Rose Hill Originals" article written by Brenda Perry and published on the Rose Hill Civic Association website:
My name is Brenda (Sovonick) Perry and I live at 4515 Lark Lane across the street from the house my parents, Louis Sovonick, Jr. and Katherine (Kay) Sovonick, purchased in August of 1954 (4516 Lark Lane). My sister, two brothers, and I grew up in that home and we attended all the local schools. My mother was also a member of the Rose Hill Civic Association and, for a few years, was the Editor of The Rambler. Of course, my sister, brothers, and I also helped by distributing The Rambler throughout Rose Hill. My mother passed away in 1967, but my father remained at our home on Lark Lane until he passed away in 1994. We had to sell his house in 1996, but I also had purchased my current home on Lark Lane in 1993. So for 50 years the Sovonick's have lived on Lark Lane and to this day the Sovonick blood line continues on Lark Lane.
I have watched this community grow so much over the years and change in so many ways but still remain a good strong community which I love to call home. I remember when all there was in the shopping center was the Safeway and the hardware store, Franconia Hardware, which was owned by Joe Alexander's father. — Brenda Perry