Saint Aidan's Memorial Garden
GPS Coordinates: 38.7255440, -77.0679867
Closest Address: 8531 Riverside Road, Alexandria, VA 22308

Here follows an excerpt from the Fairfax Genealogical Society website:
8531 Riverside Road
Fairfax, Virginia 22308 USA
(703) 360-4220
Located next to the outdoor labyrinth on the church grounds, the St. Aidan’s Memorial Garden offers a sanctified and peaceful resting place where ashes can be interred and where benches, trees, and flowering bushes create a welcoming setting for meditation, reflection, and conversation. Those whose ashes are interred in the garden are remembered on a bronze plaque within the garden, and more information about the life of the departed can be included in the church’s Memorial Book. To learn more, please contact the Parish Office.