Parker-Gray High School (Historical Marker)
GPS Coordinates: 38.8139102, -77.0516693
Closest Address: 1233 Madison Street, Alexandria, VA 22314

Here follows the inscription written on this roadside historical marker:
Parker-Gray High School
Parker-Gray School opened on Wythe Street in 1920 to serve African American students in grades 1-8. Until upper-level classes were added in 1932, African Americans had to travel to the District of Columbia to attend high school. Civil rights attorney Charles Houston and other activists later persuaded the City of Alexandria to construct its first high school building for African Americans, and Parker-Gray High School opened on this site in 1950. Court-ordered desegregation began in 1959. The last class graduated from the high school in 1965. Parker-Gray Historic District bears the school’s name.
Erected 2008 by Department of Historic Resources. (Marker Number E-137.)