Pall-Bearers Memorial (Historical Marker)
GPS Coordinates: 38.8062687, -77.0476336
Closest Address: 118 North Washington Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Here follows the inscription written on this trailside historical marker:
In Memory of the Honorary Pall-Bearers of General George Washington
Fellow townsmen, brother Masons, trusted friends, comrades in the cause of American Independence.
Col. Charles Simms
Col. Dennis Ramsay
Col. William Payne
Col. George Gilpin
Col. Philip Marsteller
Col. Charles Little
In memory also of the Lieutenants
William Moss
James Turner Jr.
Lawrence Hooff
George Wise
of the 106th Regiment of the Virginia Militia who bore his body to the tomb, December 18th, 1799.
Erected 1909 by Mt. Vernon Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution of Alexandria, VA.