Mount Air Slave Cemetery
GPS Coordinates: 38.7236312, -77.1750400
Closest Address: 8600 Accotink Road, Lorton, VA 22079

Here follows an excerpt from the Fairfax Genealogical Society website:
150 feet east of the Mount Air house ruins
Lorton, Virginia USA
Original Information from Volume 5 of the Gravestone Books
The slave cemetery at Mount Air is located about 150 feet east of the house ruins. The area, which is separated from the gardens by a large hedge of boxwood, was covered with day lilies and periwinkle which covered any evidence of burials when the site was visited in 1994. Surveyors in 1997 found the site densely overgrown.
In Mount Air, Fairfax County, Virginia, historian Edith M. Sprouse relates that a ghost has been seen in this area. A headless man was reportedly seen “on the east hillside at the end of the lilac allee, near the site of the slave graveyard.” When a representative of the Daughters of the American Revolution visited Mount Air in 1969 to place a plaque on the house, she reported feeling “an aura of unease” near the same spot.
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