Minnick House
GPS Coordinates: 38.6753536, -77.2255161
Closest Address: 10419 Old Colchester Road, Lorton, VA 22079
Here follows an excerpt from the Fairfax County Park Authority website:
The Minnick House, FXCO #113-4A01, was owned by Hannah P. Clark’s granddaughter for much of the twentieth century. (SWSG 2008) It is a late nineteenth-century two-story vernacular wood-frame house. The Minnick House is located approximately 3/5 mile northeast along Old Colchester Road from the Hannah P. Clark House (HPC house). The rear wing was an early twentieth-century addition. The rear porch has similar turned porch posts. The house also has two-over-two windows like the one that was removed from the east wall of the HPC house in 1993. Hannah’s son Frank lived in a small building behind the house during the last few years of his life.
Although disproven by the Minnick House Historic Structure Report local residents had believed there was a log structure inside the Minnick House. It is possible later generations confused the stories about Minnick and HPC houses since they were owned by the same family. Today the Minnick House is owned by the Fairfax County Park Authority.