Meadowview Pool (Site)
GPS Coordinates: 38.7794338, -77.1197452
Closest Address: 5027 Rose Hill Farm Drive, Alexandria, VA 22310
Here follows a history of the pool as prepared by Fairfax County Public Schools and published on the Rose Hill Elementary School website:
Swim and Stay Fit:
In the late 1960s, Rose Hill Elementary School students began receiving swimming and water safety instruction as part of their regular physical education program. Principal Joseph Hucks, Jean Medford (a Red Cross swimming instructor), Gladys Thomas and Mike Wells (physical education teachers), and Meadowview Pool partnered to introduce the "Swim and Stay Fit Program" at Rose Hill. The program made it possible for every child to learn basic swimming skills, and encouraged children to improve their physical fitness through swimming.
The swimming program was also described by the Red Cross as a "drown-proofing" measure to teach children about water safety.
Here follows a history of the pool as written by Carl Sell, Jr. for the Rose Hill Civic Association and published on their website:
The Rose Hill Civic Association was formed in 1956. The hot issue in those days was swimming and recreation. The Association supported Highland Park, which already was open, and opposed Morrell’s plans to construct what would become known as Meadowview. Morrell went ahead with his plans, but the club couldn’t make it financially and finally closed.