Lewis Chapel / Cranford Memorial Methodist Church (Historical Marker)
GPS Coordinates: 38.6876592, -77.2088069
Closest Address: 10000 Old Colchester Road, Lorton, VA 22079

Here follows the inscription written on this roadside historical marker:
Lewis Chapel / Cranford Memorial Methodist Church
This church is a combination of several structures built on the site of the first Pohick Church (1730–1774), making this one of the earliest sites of a religious institution in Fairfax County. Lewis Chapel, named after a Methodist circuit rider, was built in 1857 and moved from a site nearby in 1952. Cranford Memorial, the main portion of the complex, was constructed in 1900.
Erected 1980 by Department of Conservation and Historic Resources. (Marker Number E-71.)
More about this marker:
This marker reuses the marker number (E 71) titled “Alexandria” that for many decades marked the south entrance of Alexandria on U.S. 1. That marker is no longer there.
Regarding Cranford Memorial Methodist Church:
Cranford United Methodist Church is at 9912 Old Colchester Road, about 0.3 miles northeast of the marker.
First Pohick Church marker at Cranford Methodist Church:
Site of the First Pohick Church, 1730-1774
Cana United Methodist Church, Korean church sign at Cranford Methodist Church