Jones Point Light
GPS Coordinates: 38.7904170, -77.0406030
Closest Address: 1 Jones Point Drive, Alexandria, VA 22314

Here follows an excerpt from the Clio Foundation website about the Jones Point Light as written by Angelica Garcia:
The Jones Point Light, built in 1855, is the last riverine lighthouse in Virginia. It is located near the South Cornerstone Boundary Marker, which historically denoted the southernmost point of the District of Columbia, at the tip of a cape on the Potomac River. The lighthouse operated from 1856 until 1926, and was relit by a private concern in 1995. It is considered a Virginia Historical Landmark and has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 1980.
Backstory and Context:
Just south of Alexandria, Virginia, on the tip of a cape in the Potomac River, is the Jones Point Lighthouse. Constructed in 1855, the small, one-story structure is the last riverine lighthouse in the state. It is located just north of the confluence of Hunting Creek and the Potomac River, near the location of the South Cornerstone Boundary Marker. The marker was the first of many erected during the 1791-1792 survey that demarcated the boundaries of the District of Columbia. George Washington originally chose this location to serve as the nation's capitol because it demonstrated the potential for expanding riverside commerce.
The lighthouse at Jones Point featured a lantern at the top, which served primarily as a warning light for naval ships approaching the Washington Navy Yard. It was intended to be a navigational aid that would help ships avoid shifting underwater shoals, and supported the growing maritime economy in the region. It was simple in design, similar to residential structures in the area, which allowed the government to construct the lighthouse quickly and cheaply. The fifth-order Fresnel lens was the most advanced lens technology available in the 1800s; the light beam could be seen nine miles away.
Residing in the four-room structure was the lighthouse keeper and an attendant appointed by the president. Keepers and their families were allowed to live in the house rent-free. Lighthouse employees were responsible for keeping the beacon lit 24 hours a day, maintaining the building, and keeping records of shipping traffic, weather, and tides. Increasing traffic on the Potomac River, however, meant that the burgeoning industrial center was noisy, congested, and polluted.
In 1926, the lighthouse was discontinued and replaced by a small steel skeletal tower, which was itself ceased operating after only 10 years. A 1918 shipyard built to construct vessels during the Second World War had obscured the beacon, and officials determined that an automated lighthouse would be more cost effective. The original structure was subsequently deeded to the Mount Vernon Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), who maintained it as a museum until 1936. When the Army Signal Corps constructed a classified communication facility on the shipyard, the lighthouse was closed to the public. It reopened in 1953, but had by then suffered severe damage from harsh environmental conditions and vandalism. DAR transferred ownership of the structure to the National Park Service in the 1980s in order to ensure its preservation.
In 1995, the Jones Point Light was relit by a private organization. The lighthouse has been part of Jones Point Park since 1964. Visitors to the site can approach the lighthouse, but it is not possible to enter except for during per-arranged tours.
Here follows an article on the Jones Point Lighthouse from the website:
Jones Point Lighthouse
The area along the shores of the Potomac River has been a bustling center of trade and commerce since the earliest European exploration of North America. Captain John Smith sailed up the river in 1608, and his accounts, along with those of subsequent pioneers, attracted many settlers to the region. One such settler was Cadwalder Jones, a British trader and mapmaker, who established a cabin in 1699 along the Potomac River at a spot that would later be named Jones Point in his honor. Around this time, lucrative tobacco crops were beginning to take the place of animal pelts as the primary driver of the economy, just as one hundred years later wheat fields would supplant tobacco as the most profitable venture. Besides being an important export crop, wheat also led to the development of mills and bakeries in the fledgling town of Alexandria. The busy ports of Georgetown, Washington City, and Alexandria formed the backbone of commerce and industry along the Potomac, prompting a request for a lighthouse on Jones Point to warn ships traversing the river of dangerous sandbars.
Jones Point Lighthouse in 1912
Photograph courtesy U.S. Coast Guard
In August 1852, the Lighthouse Board received a Congressional appropriation of $5,000 to purchase land and erect a beacon at Jones Point. Three years later, the money was used to purchase a tract of land measuring 30 by 100 feet from the Manassas Gap Railroad Company for $501. The land included one of the original District of Columbia boundary stones, which was installed by George Washington and marked the southern point of the ten-mile-square district. The stone is still visible today in the seawall just south of the lighthouse, and to the north of the lighthouse a marker designating the boundary between Maryland-Virginia can be seen.
First lit on May 3, 1856 by keeper George L. Deeton, the lighthouse consists of a rectangular clapboard structure that sits atop a brick foundation and has a circular lantern centered atop its pitched cedar roof. A porch that extends across the western end of the dwelling has an entry door, but the actual front door is larger and located on the south side, facing the river. In the lawn near the porch is the six-foot-square masonry foundation of what was a well. Inside on the main floor, a central hallway originally divided the space into two large rooms, each containing a large brick fireplace. In the middle of the hallway a hatch door leads to the basement, which contains two large rooms with brick floors. Fireplaces also adorn these spaces and are positioned directly underneath the main floor hearths so they can use the same chimneys. Above the main floor is one large room topped by a pitched dormer-style ceiling. A ladder ascends through this ceiling up to the barrel-shaped lantern room, which features ten trapezoidal windows along with slots for ventilation.
The exterior of the lighthouse was originally painted white, while the protruding lantern was black. An iron catwalk formerly encircled the lantern room, which housed a fifth-order Fresnel lens that sent forth a light at a focal plane of thirty-five feet.
From the beginning, the area surrounding the lighthouse was a gathering place for local residents. During the summer, fishermen, boaters, and picnickers would enjoy the park-like setting, and in colder weather, the beacon’s light, which played upon the frozen river ice, served as an attractive backdrop for ice skating. Less wholesome pursuits also took place in the small buoy shed near the lighthouse, where Maryland rye and Virginia corn whiskeys often accompanied poker games, even during the traumatic years of the Civil War.
Jones Point Light Tower
Photograph courtesy U.S. Coast Guard
For forty years, Jones Point Lighthouse was home to Benjamin Greenwood and his large family. Keeper Greenwood had four children with Julia Savage, his first wife, and after she passed away in 1873, he married Margaret Grover with whom he had seven more children. Following Keeper Greenwood’s death in 1906, Francis E. Wilkins took charge of the lighthouse.
Whale oil lamps were originally used to power the beacon at Jones Point, but in 1858 the Lighthouse Board allowed an Alexandria gas company to extend lines to the station. Soil erosion and corrosion plagued the lines until 1900, when mineral oil replaced gas as the illuminant and the light’s characteristic was changed from fixed white to fixed red. As the lighthouse was near Alexandria’s red-light district, this change caused some confusion to revelers prowling the ‘Moulin Rouge’ corners of the city. The confusion ended in 1919, when the light source was changed to acetylene and its characteristic to flashing white.
Jones Point Lighthouse was slowly obscured over time as the reclaimed land at nearby Battery Cove was used by the Virginia Ship Building Company. In 1924, the Lighthouse Service made the following note about the aids to navigation along the Potomac River and requested $25,000 for improvements:
The Potomac River is the most poorly lighted and marked of the important navigable rivers of the United States, a condition which should not be allowed to continue, because of its relation to the National Capital and many Government activities, and its increased navigational importance. There are urgent requests for steamship companies for improvements in the lighting and marking of the Potomac River.
One of the improvements made was to erect a steel skeletal tower on the point east of Jones Point Lighthouse where it would better serve mariners. As the border between Maryland and Virginia was defined as the low-water mark on the Virginia shore of the Potomac River, there was some uncertainty as to who owned the fill which had been added east of the lighthouse. Obtaining title to the land for the new tower “gave rise to interesting and complicated litigation involving riparian owners, the United States, and the States of Virginia and Maryland,” but a clear title to the site finally came from the general assembly of Maryland. The new light, whose focal plane of sixty feet was nearly twice that of the lighthouse, commenced operation in 1926, exhibiting a white flash every six seconds. In 1931, the light was electrified and its characteristic changed to fixed green, and shortly thereafter the light was listed as unwatched. The light atop the tower was decommissioned in 1962, when navigational-aid duties were usurped by the lights of the Woodrow Wilson Bridge.
Shortly after being supplanted by the skeletal tower, Jones Point Lighthouse was turned over to the Mount Vernon Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). The group thoroughly renovated the station and gave it a custodian, a Mrs. McMahan whose ‘Sport Doll Factory’ occupied the grounds for some time. The lighthouse was accessible to the public until 1936, when the Army requisitioned it for a top secret Signal Corps of Engineers project. The grounds were sealed off with a wire fence, and were not returned to DAR until after the conclusion of the Second World War. At that time, the Mount Vernon Chapter found the interior of the lighthouse stripped and ruined, and what remained of the outside walls was pockmarked with bullet holes, compliments of the soldiers who had used the lighthouse for target practice.
Jones Point Lighthouse in ruins
Photograph courtesy Library of Congress
Lacking money for proper upkeep of the lighthouse, DAR turned the structure and surrounding property over to the Department of the Interior in 1964, with the stipulations that the land be converted into a public park and that the group could restore the beacon in the future. In the 1980s, DAR began negotiations with the Interior Department and came away in 1986 with an agreement with the National Park Service that allowed restoration of the lighthouse. During this period, local officials had to fend off the federal government’s efforts to sell the land to real estate developers.
Under the direction of DAR, the exterior of the station was refurbished, and the surrounding property turned into a fifty-acre pastoral setting with picnic tables, soccer fields, and bicycle trails. The Mount Vernon Chapter raised $20,000 and received a matching state grant that were used to construct a retaining wall, put up a picket fence around the lighthouse, and replace an interior stairwell.
As the last remaining river lighthouse in Virginia, Jones Point is of great historical interest. At a ceremony held June 29, 1995, Leona Kemper, DAR restoration committee chairwoman, threw the switch that reactivated the beacon atop the lighthouse, though the structure’s windows remained boarded up. At the gathering were local dignitaries, park officials, numerous DAR members, and a guest of honor - Louise Evans, the great grand-daughter of keeper Benjamin Greenwood. After hearing a brief history of the lighthouse, the crowd moved back a few paces for a good view of the light as it became a navigational aid for the first time in sixty-nine years.
Construction of a new Woodrow Wilson Bridge was completed in 2008, and in 2010 a related two-year beautification project of Jones Point Park began that saw the addition of an athletic field, two basketball courts, a kayak and canoe launch pier, and the restoration of Jones Point Lighthouse. Work at the lighthouse included rebuilding the buoy shed, replacing the porch, and remodeling the interior. Jones Point Park reopened in the summer of 2012, but due to staffing constraints, the interior of the lighthouse is only open for pre-arranged tours. DAR’s twenty-five-year lease on the lighthouse expired in 2012, and it reverted back to the National Park Service.
Head Keepers: George L. Deeton (1856 – 1857), J.P. Geisendaffer (1857 – 1861), Benjamin Franklin Greenwood (1866 – 1906), Margaret Greenwood (1906), Francis E. Wilkins (1906 – 1918), Amasa J. Simpson (1919), Paul Simpson (1919).