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James Marx (Historical Marker)

GPS Coordinates: 38.8137664, -77.1175365
Closest Address: 4725 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22304

James Marx (Historical Marker)

Here follows the inscription written on this trailside rock:

James Marx
All Veterans Park
May 30, 1994

Marker Erected 1994 by City of Alexandria, Virginia.
The marker stands in the Landmark neighborhood of Alexandria.
This is a war memorial. The memorial is adorned each year with Memorial Day wreaths.


Here is additional information about who James Marx was and about the park development as posted by the "Maid to Please" online blog:

The 4,639 acres of the Greenway as part of a 1706 land grant that was, over time, partitioned for farmsteads and mills. Up until the twentieth century, a creek ran through the land. When Hurricane Agnes struck in 1972, however, Lake Barcroft flooded Holmes Run and the Army Corps of Engineers came in to repair and fill in the damaged landscape.

In the early 1990s, under the leadership of navy veteran, banking executive, and civic leader James H. Marx, the Holmes Run Committee undertook an initiative to develop the land along the Run into a series of public parks. In 1993, Marx convinced city officials to dedicate one park to the memory of Alexandria’s veterans, but when he died a few days later, they designated the park The James H. Marx All Veterans Memorial Park.

Today the park is maintained by Alexandria’s Department of Recreation, Parks, and Cultural Activities, and in 2008 it was “adopted” by the firefighters of nearby Alexandria Fire Station 208, who assist with keeping the grounds clean and beautiful.

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