In Memory of Captain Ryan Wojtanowski (Historical Marker)
GPS Coordinates: 38.7993913, -77.0397325
Closest Address: 1 Wilkes Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Here follows the inscription written on this trailside historical marker:
In Memory of Captain Ryan Wojtanowski
1953 to 2016
All stories should end with accumulating snow.
Increasing depth racing the concluding plot
Erasing the physical details of the recent narrative
Leaving only softened shapes and relative positions
And as the end obliterating even that fundamental relationship
A memory blizzard
A respite
A clean white slate.
"End With Snow," The Lyric, Winter 2017
Master Mariner, river boat captain, fisherman and musician; Alexandria Poet Laureate and member of both the Environmental Policy and the Waterfront Commissions; and advocate for an Alexandria shoreline that protects the river's ecology and maintains public access.
Captain Ry adored his wife and partner of 45 years, loved dogs, and lived by his credo, "Nuthin' beats fun."
Erected by City of Alexandria, Virginia.