Ilda (Historical Marker)
GPS Coordinates: 38.8383697, -77.2517724
Closest Address: 8901 Little River Turnpike, Fairfax, VA 22031

Here follows the inscription written on this roadside historical marker:
Ilda, a community located at the intersection of Guinea Road and Little River Turnpike, came into existence after the Civil War and lasted into the first half of the twentieth century. It originated when two freedmen, Horace Gibson and Moses Parker, purchased property from the Gooding family on the north side of the turnpike and established a blacksmith shop. In time, a racially mixed community grew to include a post office. According to tradition, the name “Ilda” was a contraction of the name Matilda Gibson Parker. Descendants of Gibson and Parker were probably buried in a nearby cemetery, perhaps originally created to accommodate Gooding family slaves. The remains were relocated in 2008.
Erected 2009 by The Fairfax County History Commission.