Home of Edmund Jennings Lee (Historical Marker)
GPS Coordinates: 38.8095393, -77.0462039
Closest Address: 714 Oronoco Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Here follows the inscription written on this roadside historical marker:
Home of Edmund Jennings Lee
Completed 1801
Eminent lawyer, he lived here until 1837. His son, Cassius Francis Lee until 1865. Edmund Jennings Lee served as Vestryman and Warden of Christ Church, whose Glebe lands he successfully defended from confiscation after the Revolutionary War. Major of Alexandria 1814–1818. Robert Edward Lee, his nephew, considered this his second home.
Erected 1967 by John Alexander Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution.
More about this marker:
Marker is just below the two windows at sidewalk level.
Edmund Jennings Lee (1772–1843) died across the street is what today known as the Lee-Fendall House.