Haislip Family Cemetery
GPS Coordinates: 38.6607979, -77.2150172
Closest Address: 10608 Belmont Boulevard, Lorton, VA 22079

Here follows an excerpt from the Fairfax Genealogical Society website:
10913 Belmont Boulevard.
Mason Neck, Virginia USA
Original Information from Volume 5 of the Gravestone Books
“Belmont” was built about 1730 by Catesby Cocke, according to a 1971 Historic American Buildings Survey Inventory. The home stood on a ridge overlooking Belmont Bay, east of Massey Creek and northwest of Kane’s Creek (then Baxter’s Creek), in an area now called Belmont Park Estates. The 1971 buildings surveyor located the ruins of what appeared to be a wing of Belmont at 10913 Belmont Boulevard. She described it as “probably one of the oldest structures in Fairfax County.” A dependency or outbuilding was also still standing at the site at that time.
Catesby Cocke, according to the buildings survey, served as Clerk of the Court for Stafford, Prince William and Fairfax Counties, as each county was successively organized. According to Fairfax Harrison in Landmarks of Old Prince William, the earliest meetings of the new County of Fairfax may have been held at Belmont in 1742. That same year Edward Washington purchased Belmont from Catesby Cocke, according to Washington and His Neighbors by Charles W. Stetson.
Belmont eventually became the home of the Plaskett family. Susan Annie Plaskett described her family’s emigration from England to America in Memories of a Plain Family, 1836-1936. The Plasketts arrived in Philadelphia on Easter Sunday, 27 March 1853, according to this account, and stayed near Moorestown, New Jersey for a year. The family heard of a farm for sale in Virginia, so Susan Plaskett’s father, then only seventeen years old, was dispatched to Virginia to look the property over. She describes her father’s impressions:
The farm had been neglected so long and was in such a run down condition, with fences gone and fields overgrown, presenting such a desolate picture in comparison with the trim well-kept farms of England, that my father wrote to his father not to come. However, they had started before the letter arrived. My father, in the meantime was staying in the home of Mr. John Haislip, on an adjoining farm.
Under my grandfather’s management and with the help of his large family of boys, Belmont soon took on a different aspect, and became a flourishing farm. . . .
The Plaskett family lived at Belmont until after the Civil War. The youngest child, Christopher, was born there, and two little boys, Wilfred and Daniel, died and were buried there. My grandfather’s mother, also died there in 1860, in her eightieth year. . . .
Another family associated with Belmont is the Haislip family which came into ownership of Belmont in 1866, according to the buildings survey. Haislip family records report that most of the original structure was torn down and replaced with a frame building which was then demolished in 1959. Brian Conley, Information Specialist in the Virginia Room of the Fairfax City Regional Library, reports that one wing of the original house has been incorporated into a modern house which stands at 10913 Belmont Boulevard.
Mr. Conley reports that the Haislip Family Cemetery is located at 10612 Belmont Boulevard. When he visited the site in 1990, he found the cemetery in the woods about one-quarter of a mile west of the barn. He estimated that there are about fifteen unmarked burials in the cemetery, and noted two bases for gravestones and “a number of fieldstone markers” at the neglected site. According to Mr. Conley, several years ago two Haislip family gravestones were found on Mason Neck. Since it was not known where the burials associated with these markers were, the gravestones were erected in Pohick Cemetery (q.v.). The names on the markers are Henry Haislip, son of James and Abigail Haislip, and Abigail Haislip, relict of James Haislip, daughter of H. and E. B. Brawner. These gravestones still stand at Pohick; please see index.
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