Green & Brother Furniture (Historical Marker)
GPS Coordinates: 38.8031138, -77.0427519
Here follows the inscription written on this roadside historical marker:
Steam Furniture Works. Established 1828. Green & Brother, manufacturers of chamber, hall, parlor, dining-room, school, and church furniture. Wholesale and retail. Ssend for price list. Handrail, newells, balusters, brackets, bed-posts, table-legs; fancy turning, sewing, carving and moulding. All kinds of hard wood lumber. Woven wire and other spring, hair, moss, sponge and shuck mattresses. Cabinetmaker's and upholsterer's Material. Hard Wood and Cedar Logs Wanted.
200 South Fairfax Street
Today this building is a Condominium
On the southeast corner of S. Fairfax Street and Prince Street is the remaining shell of James Green's extensive furniture factory, completed in 1836. On the south wall, the metal initials 'J G' are used at the end of an interior supporting rod. During the Civil War, the huge, brick building served as a military prison.