Furneisen Family Home
GPS Coordinates: 38.7811351, -77.1197093
Closest Address: 4912 Treetop Lane, Alexandria, VA 22310

Here follows an excerpt from the "Rose Hill Originals" article written by Barry Kutz and published on the Rose Hill Civic Association website:
My name is Barry Kutz and I live in Rehoboth Beach, DE. My godmother is Kae Furneisen and she lives at 4912 Treetop Lane. I am sure they were original owners in Rose Hill from day one. My father and John Ferneisen were workmates at the police dept in Washington DC even before I was born fifty years ago. That's how they got to be my godparents.
When I was a kid we used to go and visit the Furneisens all the time and we used to rummage through the old mansion on the property of Rose Hill before they burned it down. I'll never forget how spooky it was but we would have a great time there! My older brother Phil still has a scar on one of his arms that he got climbing though one of the broken out windows in the mansion. We would go to the pool there all the time with the Furneisens and their kids Craig and Vicki.
Anyway, I was looking for info on the old mansion and found this site, the old PICS are great and I enjoyed looking at them too. Thanks for the Memories. — Barry Kutz