Friendship Fire Company (Historical Marker)
GPS Coordinates: 38.8049893, -77.0494101
Closest Address: 107 South Alfred Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Here follows the inscription written on this roadside historical marker:
Friendship Fire Company
Organized 1774
Original building erected July 23, 1855
New addition erected October 30, 1972
Housing relics for future generations.
Gift of Bernard B. Brown
Here follows an excerpt from the City of Alexandria website:
The Friendship Fire Company was established in 1774, as the first volunteer fire company in Alexandria. The current firehouse was built in 1855, was substantially remodeled in 1871, and was restored by the City of Alexandria in 1992.
In a town of mostly wooden buildings, where open flames provided heat, light and cooking on a daily basis, fire was a constant danger. The Friendship, Sun, Relief, Hydraulion and other local volunteer fire companies served the community faithfully, particularly during enormous blazes in 1827, 1855, 1871, and 1922. Some of their stories and equipment are preserved today in the Friendship Firehouse Museum.
The museums' historic firefighting vehicles include the Rodgers Suction Engine (1851) and the Prettyman Hose Carriage (1858).
Visit the museum and come to the annual Friendship Firehouse Festival and other special events.