Fitzhugh Family Cemetery (Removed)
GPS Coordinates: 38.7713059, -77.1767523
Closest Address: 6711 Spring Mall Drive, Springfield, VA 22150
These coordinates mark the exact spot where the cemetery once stood. No visible remains exist.
The cemetery south of Springfield Mall once owned by the Fitzhugh family was a reserved one-acre lot. It was moved in 1970. The one acre site is first mentioned in deed D3:411 and then down through transactions until deed 479:85. The quitclaim from the Lee family and the note of the cemetery removal is at 3297:5
Local researcher Charles Gailey misinterpreted the deed and confused this cemetery with the nearby Broders family cemetery. He marked this Fitzhugh cemetery as east and north of the Spring Mall/Frontier Drive intersection, which is exactly where the Broders cemetery stands. This caused an inaccuracy in the county records that has never been acknowledged.