Fence and Ditch (Historical Marker)
GPS Coordinates: 38.7075268, -77.0877313
Closest Address: 3200 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, Alexandria, VA 22121

Here follows the inscription written on this trailside historical marker:
Fence and Ditch
"…there is nothing I more ardently desire; nor indeed is there any more essential to my permanent interest, than raising of live fences on proper Ditches or banks."
—George Washington to Overseers at Mount Vernon, July 14, 1792
Washington attempted to replace his expensive wood fences with "live" fences — hedges so dense that they would turn away all animals, from the smallest rabbit to the largest deer. Despite his repeated directions to plant the banks of ditches with fast growing locust and willow, he never succeeded in fully protecting his garden with "live" fences.