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Enyedi Studio

GPS Coordinates: 38.6692966, -77.2339210
Closest Address: 10605 Furnace Road, Lorton, VA 22079

Enyedi Studio

Here follows an excerpt from the Fairfax County Park Authority website:

The studio is an asymmetrical front-gable metal and wood-frame structure south of the circle driveway. It was constructed in 1986-1987 with a steel building kit for Janos Enyedi’s Furnace Road Studio. The wood-frame addition on the east was added circa 1990.

The original metal portion of the structure has two rooms underneath the front-gable salt box roof. The roof and walls are composed of steel framing with corrugated metal siding. There are four corrugated plastic skylights on the west side of the roof. The north, front, elevation has large double sliding barn doors underneath the peak of the gable. To the west are an exterior metal door and a two-light sliding window. To the east is a one-story shed roof wood addition with a double door and a three-light transom. The addition has vertical wood panel siding and an asphalt shingle roof. There is a light above the metal door and a flood light mounted at the peak of the gable. The west elevation has two two-light sliding windows. On the east side of the south elevation there is a double six-over-six double-hung wood sash window. Under the rake board to the west of the peak of the gable a round metal chimney pipe projects out of the wall. There is no fenestration on the east wall. The interior of the west room is finished with drywall and the east room walls have the steel frame exposed. There are window air conditioners in the west room and a free standing wood stove in the east room.

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