Elgin Family Home
GPS Coordinates: 38.7814281, -77.1417228
Closest Address: 6230 Higham Drive, Alexandria, VA 22310

Here follows an excerpt from the Fall 2015 edition of the "Franconia Legacies" newsletter published by the Franconia Museum:
Donna Elgin has written a heartfelt book about her family, including the tragic loss of her father. Her husband, George, grew up in Franconia so long-time residents will be touched as they turn the pages. The Elgins now live in Arizona, but their hearts are in the 1950s and 1960s in Franconia, Springfield and Annandale in this book, "Remembering Mother and Daddy - A Daughter’s Memoir." This book of stories is a memoir and a tribute to my parents. These memories span several generations, and I reminisce on my family, the love, the joys, the letters and the tragedy. In 1968 when my parents returned from a three month world tour, my Dad began writing a book about their travels that he titled, “25,000 Miles West.” Unfortunately, he never got to finish the book.
I live with my husband, George, in Scottsdale, Arizona. We moved from Burke, Virginia, to Arizona in 1973. Our four children and twenty-five grandchildren live in and around the Phoenix area. I met George Elgin in the 10th grade at Annandale High School and we graduated in 1958. Joe Davies, of the book Franconia Remembers Joe Davies, was among George’s best friends in school and the neighborhood. George worked for Joe Alexander at the Franconia Hardware and Texaco Station. In 1959, we were married at the Franconia Baptist Church and the reception was held at the Rose Hill Country Club.
The Elgin family lived on the northwest corner of Higham Drive and Kathmoor Drive, in Franconia. George lived there with his parents, Lee and Mary and brother, Raymond. Lee built the house in the early 1930s. George’s father and brother were both volunteers for the Franconia Fire Department.