Ductwork Tin Man
GPS Coordinates: 38.8732284, -77.2390301
Closest Address: 8441 Lee Highway, Fairfax, VA 22031
Here follows an article excerpted from the Offbeat Nova website as written by Matt Eng:
When the tin man embarked on a soul-searching quest in the Wizard of Oz for a heart, I doubt he thought his journey along the yellow brick road would take him to Lee Highway in Fairfax.
This “tin man” sits atop the Lee-High Sheet Metal building. HIs body is made completely of ductwork. A crude face with a smile is drawn on the unusually small statue. In fact, it’s small enough that the casual passerby would completely miss it while driving past. In recent years, it has shown signs of wear on the body, particularly its chest.
This particular statue should not be confused with the Tin Man Sheet Metal Fabrication, LLC, located in Manassas, VA. That particular business has a “tin man” in their logo, but no physical statue like at Lee-High Sheet Metal. The business is so proud of it that the statue is included in all of their advertisements at the front of the shop. Currently, the tin man is holding an American flag. If anything, the flag the statue is holding will help you spot it easier from the road.