Bethlehem Lutheran Church
GPS Coordinates: 38.8395372, -77.2525256
Closest Address: 8922 Little River Turnpike, Fairfax, VA 22031

Here follows an excerpt from the church's website:
A Quick History of Bethlehem Lutheran Church:
1979 - 1960:
Born Out of Hope
Located in Fairfax, Virginia, Bethlehem Lutheran Church gives thanks to the Manahoac People, the first people of this land. We offer our respect to those ancestors who may be interred in this land. We are also thankful for the gifts of the People of the land.
Bethlehem officially gathered for worship for the first time on December 16, 1962. The congregation began to form when a faithful group of saints from Hope Lutheran Church in Annandale heard the Holy Spirit’s call to stretch and plant a new congregation closer to Fairfax. So, it is fitting to say, “We were were born out of Hope.”
The original building included a sanctuary, a small office space, and classrooms downstairs.
At this time, Bethlehem was a congregation of the American Lutheran Church (ALC).
Pastors who served during this time:
The Rev. Gene Fogt, Pastor, 1962-1966
The Rev. Charles Mays, Pastor, 1966-1974
The Rev. Joseph Nilsen, Pastor, 1975-1982
1999 - 1980
Moving Forward in Faith
In 1996, the Gospel stretched us once again, and ground was broken for a new sanctuary and additional facility space, giving the whole community the building we see today. The vision and mission for this expansion was specifically to serve our neighbors.
The American Lutheran Church (ALC) mergec with the Lutheran Church in America (LCA) and other Lutheran bodies to become the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in 1988.
Pastors who served during this time:
The Rev. Joseph Nilsen, Pastor, 1975-1982
The Rev. Ivan Ives, Pastor, 1982-1984
The Rev. Robert Moore, Interim Pastor, 1985
The Rev. K. Bernell Boehm, 1985-1998
The Rev. Richard Berry, Interim Pastor, 1998-1999
The Rev. Dr. Philip Hirsch, Pastor, 1999-2009
2020 - 2000
Serving and Living in God's Love
Through the years, Bethlehem continues to be sensitive to local community and social needs and has regularly hosted and rented facility space to our neighbors, including:
other Christian congregations
the Jewish Community Center
Kids Give
Golden Girls Softball Association
Scouting programs
childhood enrichment programs
exercise classes
social ministries (like FACETS and Hypothermia Shelter)
Bethlehem has also been a polling site every Election Day for over 20 years.
Pastors who served during this time:
The Rev. Dr. Philip Hirsch, Pastor, 1999-2009
The Rev. Dr. Terri Driver-Bishop, Interim Pastor, 2009-2010
The Rev. Gerry Johnson, Pastor, 2011-2015
The Rev. Heidi Moore, Bridge Pastor, 2016
The Rev. Eugene Kern, Interim Pastor, 2016-2017
The Rev. Elijah Mwitanti, Bridge Pastor, 2017-2018
The Rev. Daniel E. Roschke, Pastor, 2018-present