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Belvoir (Historical Marker)

GPS Coordinates: 38.7111677, -77.1439754
Closest Address: 202 Belvoir Road, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060

Belvoir (Historical Marker)

Here follows the inscription written on this roadside historical marker:

Belvoir, meaning "beautiful to see," was built about 1741 for William Fairfax, land agent for his cousin Thomas, sixth baron Fairfax of Cameron and Northern Neck proprietor. George Washington was introduced to Belvoir and its gentry culture while in his mid-teens, during stays at Mount Vernon with his half-brother Lawrence, who married William Fairfax's daughter Anne. After the house burned in 1783, Washington wrote to George Fairfax that "the happiest moments of my life had been spent there" at Belvoir. Sept. 1814, British vessels shelled the walls of the house. The U.S. War Department acquired the tract in 1912 for a military camp.

Marker Erected 1999 by Department of Historic Resources. (Marker Number E-60.)


Here follows an excerpt from the 1970 Fairfax County Master Inventory of Historic Sites which contained entries from the Historic American Buildings Survey Inventory:

Belvoir (sometimes pronounced "beaver"), was built, about 1741 by William Fairfax, cousin of and agent for Thomas, sixth Lord Fairfax, Proprietor of the Northern Neck of Virginia. The Proprietary included the land between the Potomac and Rappahannock Rivers. Lord Fairfax came to Virginia from his native England in 1746 and lived at Belvoir for two years while his estate in the Shenandoah Valley, "Greenway Court," was being surveyed and the residence was being constructed. The guest book from Belvoir is now at the Virginia Historical Society in Richmond. It contains comments by and signatures of many important eighteenth century Fairfax County residents and visitors.

A notice offering the 2,000-acre Belvoir estate for rent appeared in the Philadelphia Gazette for October 19, 1774, stating that it was built of bricks, two stories and an attic with four convenient rooms and a wide hall ono the lower floor, five rooms and a wide passage on the second floor, with spacious cellars and convenient offices, kitchens, quarters for servants, coacherie, stables and all other outbuildings needed on a great estate. A large garden, orchard, and fisheries were adjacent.

Belvoir mansion was destroyed by fire in 1783, and the remains were shelled by British battleships in 1814, following the sacking of Washington in the War of 1812. Now (1971) only foundation ruins remain, somewhat protected by plastic coverings and earth fill.

In 1910,, the War Department purchased 1,500 acres, including the site, for the Corps of Engineers, and named it Camp Humphreys. The name was changed to Fort Belvoir in 1935. The mansion house site was placed on the Virginia Landmarks Register in December 1969.

There are Fairfax family graves in the vicinity of the mansion site.


Here follows an excerpt on Belvoir as created for the Mount Vernon Ladies Association by Mason Faulkner Fields at Texas State University:

The estate and manor of the prominent Fairfax family of Virginia, Belvoir was located on a peninsula on the west bank of the Potomac River between Accotink Bay and Dogue Creek, four miles downstream from Mount Vernon. At Belvoir, the young George Washington developed lifelong friendships, made important social connections, and experienced what he described as some of the happiest times of his life.

In 1741, Colonel William Fairfax moved his family into their new home on the Potomac. The mansion house was, as described by George Washington, "of Brick, two Stories high, with four convenient Rooms and a large Passage on the lower Floor, five Rooms and a Passage on the second, and a Servants Hall and Cellars below, convenient Offices, Stables, and Coach House adjoining, as also a large and well furnished Garden, stored with a great Variety of valuable Fruits, in good Order." The name Belvoir translates from French to "beautiful to see" and George Washington would indeed remember it as "one of the most beautiful seats on the river."

When Lawrence Washington married Ann Fairfax in 1743, his eleven year old half-brother George Washington became a welcome guest at Belvoir, where he became a steady foxhunting companion of the Colonel and his resident cousin, Lord Thomas Fairfax, the sixth Baron of Cameron. When Colonel Fairfax died at Belvoir on September 3, 1757, George Washington rode over from his military post at Winchester to attend the funeral. William Fairfax was interred beside his wife Deborah on the grounds of the estate.

After Colonel Fairfax's death, his eldest son George William Fairfax inherited Belvoir. There he and his wife Sally frequently hosted the Washingtons after George and Martha were married and settled next door at Mount Vernon in the spring of 1759. On July 9, 1773, George and Martha Washington visited the Fairfaxes at Belvoir for the last time. George William and his wife were returning to England to pursue a complex inheritance suit, leaving Washington with power of attorney to oversee their interests in Virginia.

By the following January, George William admitted in a letter to Washington that he did not expect to return to Virginia, and gave instructions regarding the sale of the furniture at Belvoir. At the auction on August 5, 1774, Washington spent £169 purchasing a variety of items, including furniture, carpets, curtains, candlesticks and "a bust of the Immortal shakespear." Following a second sale in December, the house was rented to the Reverend Andrew Morton for seven years.

In 1783, the mansion at Belvoir was destroyed in a fire. Two years later, Washington rode over from Mount Vernon to view the site. Writing to George William Fairfax, Washington informed his old friend of the state of the once beautiful home, wistfully reporting that "the whole are, or very soon will be a heap of ruin. When I viewed them, when I considered that the happiest moments of my life had been spent there, when I could not trace a room in the house (now all rubbish) that did not bring to mind the recollection of pleasing scenes, I was obliged to fly from them; and came home with painful sensations, and sorrowing for the contrast."


Here follows an excerpt on the Belvoir history from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Belvoir was the plantation and estate of colonial Virginia's prominent William Fairfax family. Operated with the forced labor of enslaved people, it was located on the west bank of the Potomac River on the present site of Fort Belvoir in Fairfax County, Virginia.

The main house, called Belvoir Manor or Belvoir Mansion, burned in 1783 and was destroyed during the War of 1812. The site has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 1973 as "Belvoir Mansion Ruins and the Fairfax Grave."

18th century
William Green's 1669 patent for 1,150 acres (4.7 km2) encompassed most of the peninsula between Dogue Creek and Accotink Creek, along the Potomac River. Although this property was sub-divided and sold in the early 18th century, it was reassembled during the 1730s to create the central portion of Col. William Fairfax's 2,200-acre (8.9 km2) plantation of Belvoir Manor.

Plantation house built
Fairfax's elegant new home was completed in 1741. The mansion was described in a 1774 rental notice as spacious and well-appointed. Its furnishings consisted of "tables, chairs, and every other necessary article...very elegant." The family imported ceramics from Europe and the Orient to grace its tables.

Planters such as William Fairfax comprised a small elite of Fairfax County's population; most of their neighbors were smaller farmers who sometimes barely managed to make a living[citation needed]. After William Fairfax's death in 1757, the plantation and his slaves passed to his eldest son George William Fairfax (1729–87).

Lord Fairfax and Washington visit
Thomas Fairfax, 6th Lord Fairfax of Cameron, moved to Virginia between 1735 and 1737 to inspect and protect his lands. Lord Fairfax came to Belvoir, to help oversee his family estates in Virginia's Northern Neck Proprietary between the Rappahannock and Potomac rivers, inherited from his mother, Catharine, daughter of Thomas Culpeper, 2nd Baron Culpeper of Thoresway; and a great portion of the Shenandoah and South Branch Potomac valleys. The northwestern boundary of his Northern Neck Proprietary was marked by the Fairfax Stone at the headwaters of the North Branch Potomac River.

Fairfax's sister Anne married Lawrence Washington in 1743. A young George Washington, Lawrence's half-brother, began to visit Belvoir frequently. Wishing to advance his brother's fortunes, Lawrence introduced George to George William. A friendship grew between the two men, despite the fact that George William was seven years older. A relationship blossomed between Sally Fairfax and Washington. Washington and Bryan Fairfax, George William's younger half-brother, also became friends.

In 1752, Lord Fairfax moved to Greenway Court in the valley of Virginia closer to his undeveloped land. He hired George Washington to survey land at Belvoir.

When Fairfax left Belvoir for England in 1773, he had the estate rented to Rev. Andrew Morton for seven years. Its furnishings were sold at auction in 1774. It was confiscated during the American Revolutionary War by the Virginia Act of 1779. In 1783, the mansion and several of its outbuildings were destroyed by fire, and the plantation complex gradually deteriorated into ruins. Ferdinando Fairfax, who inherited the property, apparently did not live there. The bluffs below the former mansion site were quarried for building stone, but the house site was not developed.

19th century
Belvoir Plantation suffered further damage during the War of 1812. In August 1814, as British land forces attacked and burned the city of Washington, a British naval squadron sailed up the Potomac River and forced the surrender of Alexandria. The fleet began the 180-mile (290 km) return trip down river. On September 1, the British attempted to run the deep-water channel below the Belvoir house site, a position that previously had been identified as a strategic defensive location on the river. A hastily assembled American force, composed of Virginia and Alexandria militia under the command of U.S. Navy Captain David Porter, hurriedly began to mount a battery on the bluff above the river. For four days, British and American forces exchanged cannon and musket fire. The British fleet eventually passed the American positions, but British shells demolished what little was left of the old Belvoir Manor.

The association of Belvoir Plantation with the Fairfax family ended with the death of Ferdinando Fairfax in 1820. During the next decade, William Herbert of Alexandria acquired the property, which he quickly used as collateral for a loan. During the 1830s, Thomas Irwin, Herbert's creditor, operated the shad fisheries at White House Point. Herbert's continued inability to pay his debts eventually led to the sale of Belvoir at public auction in 1838.

All of the great 18th-century plantations in the Belvoir area changed considerably in the years before the Civil War. Soil exhaustion and inheritance prompted the sale and sub-division of these formerly expansive tracts of land. As a new generation of landowners took up residence in southeastern Fairfax County, patterns of land use and ownership were altered.

20th century
In 1917, the Belvoir property was consolidated and ceded to the U.S. Army by Virginia, eventually lending its name to the modern military installation of Fort Belvoir.

The Belvoir ruins are on the National Register of Historic Places (1973), but access is restricted since they are on the military post.


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