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Bank of Alexandria (Historical Marker)

GPS Coordinates: 38.8055550, -77.0422024
Closest Address: 131 North Fairfax Street, Alexandria, VA 22314

Bank of Alexandria (Historical Marker)

Here follows the inscription written on this roadside historical marker:

Bank of Alexandria
Established in 1792, this was the first financial institution authorized by the General Assembly of Virginia. The building was completed in 1807. It is one of the oldest surviving commercial structures in Alexandria and is a fine local example of federal architecture. The bank listed George Washington as a depositor and stockholder. William Herbert, the son-in-law of John Carlyle, was president from 1796 to 1819. After years of neglect the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority saved the property from demolition in 1970. The National Historic Register building was adaptively restored by OTV, Inc. in 1980.

Owner: Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority


Here follows an excerpt from the "Jaybird's Jottings" blog written by Jay Roberts:

Bank of Alexandria
131 N. Fairfax

The Virginia Assembly established the Bank of Alexandria in 1792, the first bank in the state. Built in the Federal style, it is one of the oldest commercial structures in the city. According to Smith and Miller, the building “may be the second oldest structure in the United States erected specifically as a bank building.”

Located next to the Carlyle House, the red-bricked, three-story building has seen several uses through the years, and has returned to its roots, housing a financial firm. At least that’s what the sign says.

Note: I forgot to list the address of Carlyle House. It is 121 North Fairfax.

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