Arico Family Home
GPS Coordinates: 38.7786652, -77.1188983
Closest Address: 6401 May Boulevard, Alexandria, VA 22310

Here follows an excerpt from the "Rose Hill Originals" article written by Leo Arico and published on the Rose Hill Civic Association website:
My name is Leo Joseph Arico. My parents bought 6401 May Boulevard in the fall of 1957. At that time, the original manor house (abandoned) still stood. The farm was managed by a Mr. Cook; who, for a number of years, kept pigs and baled hay. When the farm closed, the site was used by a construction company that fabricated the wall panels for the houses near Telegraph Road (Split Rock, Cottonwood, etc.).
Our original address was 2308 May, and the telephone numbers were "SOuth 5-xxxx." My father contracted for central air conditioning; we were, for years, the only house in the neighborhood to have it.
On our website,, there is a photograph taken by Mrs. Noble of the burning of the manor house by the Franconia Volunteer Fire Department. The fat kid looking into the camera is me. — Leo Arico