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Alfred Street Baptist Church (Historical Marker)

GPS Coordinates: 38.8030013, -77.0498460
Closest Address: 301 South Alfred Street, Alexandria, VA 22314

Alfred Street Baptist Church (Historical Marker)

Here follows the inscription written on this roadside historical marker:

Alfred Street Baptist Church
Alfred Street Baptist Church is home to the oldest African American congregation in Alexandria, dating to the early 19th century. It has served as a prominent religious, educational, and cultural institution. In 1818, the congregation, then known as the Colored Baptist Society, began worship services here in the midst of the Bottoms, a free black neighborhood. By 1820 the church created its educational branch, providing religious and secular opportunities for both black children and adults. In 1855, free black craftsmen probably designed and built the brick church. Alterations to the building occurred in the 1880s and in 1994 the church constructed a new sanctuary.

Erected 2003 by Department of Historic Resources. (Marker Number E-124.)

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