Alexandria in the Civil War (Historical Marker)
GPS Coordinates: 38.8066935, -77.0623538
Closest Address: 110 Callahan Drive, Alexandria, VA 22314
Here follows the inscription written on this roadside historical marker:
Alexandria in the Civil War
"Alexandria is ours!"
“Alexandria is ours,” declared Col. Orlando Wilcox of the 1st Michigan Infantry as his regiment captured the city on the morning of May 24, 1861, one day after Virginia officially left the Union. Due to its strategic location on the Potomac River just south of Washington, D.C., Alexandria and the commanding heights around you were quickly seized, fortified, and would remain under Union control through late 1865.
Alexandria's transformation from a small seaport town to military garrison took its toll on the city. Two-thirds of the population fled. Large private homes, churches and other public buildings were "requisitioned" to support the Union military occupations. The city became headquarters for the U.S. Military Railroad and one of the largest Union army hospital centers. Alexandria also became a safe haven for those escaping slavery, resulting in a refugee crisis.
Today, many buildings of the Civil War era remain standing. To begin exploring Old Town Alexandria, turn right and march down King Street towards the Visitors Center.
(left) Union officers pose in front of Gadsby’s Tavern. Can you find this site? Stand in their footsteps, snap a photo, and create some history of your own. All photographs courtesy Library of Congress
(right) View of Alexandria from Shuter’s Hill, which is to your left. In the foreground is the camp of the 44th New York Infantry. King Street, which is visible in this photo, is directly in front of you.
Erected by Virginia Civil War Trails.
Also see . . . Old Marker at this Location. This marker replaced an older Civil War Trails marker at this location titled “Alexandria - Alexandria in the Civil War"
“Alexandria is ours,” declared Col. Orlando Wilcox of the 1st Michigan Vol. Inf. as his regiment captured the city on the morning of May 24, 1861. When Virginia's vote of secession became effective, Union forces immediately crossed the Potomac River and occupied the Virginia shore. Due to its strategic location on the Potomac River just south of Washington, D.C., Alexandria became a prime Union occupation target.
During the capture of Alexandria, James W. Jackson, an ardent secessionist and the proprietor of Marshall House, fatally shot Union Col. Elmer E. Ellsworth as he removed a Confederate flag from the top of the hotel. In retaliation, a member of Ellsworth's 11th New York Zouave regiment killed Jackson. Both men became martyrs for their respective causes.
Alexandria's transformation from small southern town to military district took its toll on the city. Two-thirds of the population fled. Large private homes, churches and other public buildings were "requisitioned" to support the military occupation. The city became headquarters for the U.S. Military Railroad and one of the largest Union army hospital centers in the East. One of the first national cemeteries, established by an order of President Abraham Lincoln in February 1862, is located on Wilkes Street.
Alexandria would remain under Union control through late 1865, distinguishing it as the longest occupied territory of the Civil War. Today, many of the buildings that survived the four-year military occupation remain standing.
Erected by Virginia Civil War Trails.
On the lower left is a wartime photo showing a View of Alexandria from Shuter's Hill. In the foreground is the camp of the 44th New York Infantry, "Ellsworth's Avengers." King Street is visible to the left and the U.S. Military Railroad Round House is visible near the center of the photo. (Photo credited to the National Archives.)
On the right is a photo of The Marshall House, which stood on the corner of King and South Pitt streets, was torn down in the 1950s. James W. Jackson (left insert) was killed by Union troops after he shot and killed Col. Elmer E. Ellsworth (right insert). Jackson's promise that the Confederate flag he raised over the hotel would be torn down "over his dead body" was fulfilled. Ellsworth became the first Union officer to die in the Civil War. (Photo of the Marshall House credited to the Library of Congress. Portrait of Ellsworth credited to Lloyd House, Alexandria Library. Portrait of Jackson from Ames Williams Collection, Lloyd House, Alexandria Library.)
Fort Ellsworth
One of the forts in the defenses of Washington, D.C. erected during the war, stood on the grounds of the George Washington Masonic National Monument. It was named Fort Ellsworth to honor Col. Elmer Ellsworth.